URL Startup Arguments ===================== GeoMOOSE has a number of parameters that can change its startup behavior. debug ----- Sets whether GeoMOOSE is in debug mode. Set this parameter to any non-zero value in order to see additional logging information. This is really only useful for development and should probably only be used in conjunction with a "_dev.html" file. extent ------ Sets a different startup extent. The extent should be formatted as `min-x,min-y,max-x,max-y` in the ground units of the map. Example:: geomoose.html?extent=-180,-90,180,90 mapbook ------- Bypass `php/getmapbook.php`. By default GeoMOOSE will read the mapbook from the file system using `getmapbook.php`, other installations, especially those needing to serve multiple mapbooks can do so by setting the `mapbook` parameter. Example:: geomoose.html?mapbook=../mapbooks/wms_only.xml off --- Turns off default layers. Uses GeoMOOSE's path convention. Example:: geomoose.html?off=parcels/parcels;county/all on -- Turns on layers. This follows the same form as the off parameter but turns layers on.